Welcome to Inner West Hunters Club

Club Approval Number 405662491


Joining is simple. Complete and submit the application form and pay the membership fee.

The fee is currently $30 per year for all members.

Payment options are shown on the application form.

You must be nominated and seconded by current members of the club. If you don’t know any members, seek out a member of the Committee or come to one of the meetings. Assuming you are genuine, you will be approved at the meeting.

There is currently no online joining option. Contact us if you cannot print the application form.

The club and its members are subject to this constitution.


The Inner West Hunters Club is an approved hunting club under the NSW Firearms Act.

The club is established primarily as a low cost, low hassle means of meeting the legal requirements for holding a firearms licence.

Members who attend two meetings of the club each year will satisfy the attendance requirements of the Act in relation to the genuine reason for holding a Firearms Licence.

Members may also comply by participating in club-authorised hunting activities or firearms safety training. The club does not organise hunting trips.

Hunters not based on NSW are also welcome to join.


The club meets in one of the meeting rooms at the Burwood RSL, 96 Shaftesbury Rd, Burwood. For the AGM we meet upstairs, and for all other meetings we meet either in the bistro or one of the downstairs meeting rooms at the back of the bistro.

There are four general meetings each year, of which one is the Annual General Meeting. Meetings commence at 8 pm.

The Committee meets prior to each general meeting.

Meeting dates for 2024 are as follows:

  • 13 Feb
  • 14 May
  • 13 Aug (AGM)
  • 12 Nov

Firearms Licences

To obtain a firearms licence in NSW, a genuine reason is required. Options include:

  1. Target shooting as member of a target shooting club. This may include rifles, shotguns or pistols.
  2. Hunting and vermin control, either through access to a rural property or membership of a hunting club such as IWHC
  3. Collecting, as a member of a collecting club.

The process of obtaining a firearms licence is described here. Club members are available to assist other members with their applications.

The NSW Police Firearms Registry website has useful information for firearm owners.

There are strict rules governing the storage and transport of firearms and ammunition. Club members should ensure they are familiar with them.

Code of Practice

Members of the club are expected to adhere to the NSW Game Hunting Licence Code of Practice. The code of practice can be found here: https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/hunting/rules-and-regulations/nsw-ghl-code-of-practice


Contact Us

(02) 9719 8320

PO Box 636
Drummoyne NSW 1470